
Dr Triplett's CE Primary School

“Love, Compassion, Respect”


Welfare Office

Mrs Lavender is our school’s Welfare Assistant. We also have several First Aid trained staff in school.

Mrs Lavender is on call for students who have sustained an injury or require assistance managing their medical conditions, supported by the advice of the Borough School Nursing Team.


Welfare Room

  • First Aid provision for cuts, grazes, and injuries

  • Support and care to pupils with on-going medical conditions


Parents/Carers expectations

  • Must declare all medical conditions and needs on the School Registration Form upon receipt of an offer from the school

  • Must liaise with the school to develop and agree an Individual Healthcare Plan prior to admission

  • If required completed the attached “Parental Agreement for school to administer medicine”.

  • Must update the school concerning any changes regarding their child's medical conditions/medication.

  • Must provide the school with any necessary in-date prescribed medication, in its original packaging with chemist labelling with dosage instructions and expiry date information

  • Must contact the Welfare Office if their child with food allergies requires an appropriate space to eat during break and lunch time


If pupils feel unwell at school

  • During a lesson, pupils should speak to their teacher and ask to go to the Welfare Room.
  • During break or lunch, pupils should report to a member of playground staff before going to the Welfare Office
  • Whilst on a trip, pupils should speak to a teacher, the trip leader, or their group leader - the appointed person may administer emergency first aid if necessary
  • Students who report to the Welfare Room will not automatically be sent home - students will be assessed by Mrs Lavender or the First Aid Administrator on-call


If pupils feel unwell before school

  • Students should be kept at home if they are not well enough to attend school - pupils should not be sent to School if they have vomited
  • Students should be kept off school for 48 hours if they are vomiting or suffering diarrhoea
  • Parents must notify the school on each morning of their child's absence
  • Please refer to the Reporting Illness information below


Parental/Carer Agreement to Administer Medicine
