You may have some some homework already set to do but your teacher will always be impressed if you want to do more!
Your login should be written in your Reading Record or Homework Diary. If you are not sure, ask your teacher.
These first 4 websites will be where to find your homework:
You can work on your calculations (arithmetic skills) by working through these questions. Year 6, this will really help with your SATs!
Please select your year group:
Hit the Button is a great game that you may have enjoyed in school. Good to practise your tables and division facts.
Read Theory, and may be mainly for Y6:
These websites have information and games to help improve your learning further whatever year group you are in:
Phonics (the sounds that make words) help us to read. You can learn and practise your phonics in Read Write Inc (RWI) at home as well as school. There are lots of videos to help with RWI phonics on Google Classroom.
RWI can be accessed through your email from your teacher. Please see the guide below for help.