
Dr Triplett's CE Primary School

“Love, Compassion, Respect”


The Role of the Governing Body at Dr Triplett's School


The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that Dr Triplett's is run to promote the best interests of its pupils. Its duties include:


  • setting strategic direction and objectives
  • determining, monitoring and keeping under review the broad policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates
  • approving the school budget and School Development Plan, which sets the School’s priorities each year
  • reviewing progress against the School's budget and objectives
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher.


The School creates a School Development Plan by consulting staff, governors, parents and other stakeholders such as the Diocese and local community. The Governing Body reviews the progress against the School’s objectives by monitoring this plan.


All Governors have equal status, and although appointed by different groups our overriding concern will be for the welfare of the School as a whole.  We have no legal authority to act individually, except when the Governing Body has given us delegated authority to do so.


The full Governing Body meets twice a term. Some of the Governing Body’s decisions are based on the advice of committees that deal with specific areas such as the School's curriculum & achievement, premises, finances, personnel and pupil issues, and communication with all stakeholders.


From 1st December 2014 the Governing Body is made up of:

  • Two parent governors (elected by parents)
  • One staff governor (elected by school staff)
  • One local community governor
  • The Headteacher
  • Seven foundation governors
  • The chief officiating minister of the Parish of St Mary, Hayes (ex-officio)
  • Two Hillingdon Deanery Synod nominees
  • Two London Diocesan Board for Schools nominees
  • Two PCC St Mary Hayes nominees


Other Associate Members are also appointed from time to time.


Please email the Governors directly if you have any comments or questions:


The Governing BodyCategory of governor


Mrs P Byles

Chair of Governors/LDBS Foundation Governor

Mrs R Anderson

Headteacher Ex-Officio

Father N Wheeler


Mrs K Smaggasgale


Mrs Rida E-Fatima


Mr K Dennis


Mrs P Ash

LDBS (Foundation)

Mrs A Lambert

PCC (Foundation)

Mr M Bowers

PCC (Foundation)

Mrs J Murray

Deanery Synod (Foundation)

Mr A Terry (Vice Chair)

Deanery Synod (Foundation)

Mrs T Lopes

Local Authority

Mrs H Dimmock

Associate Member

Mrs F Johns


Publication of Governor details

Annual Governance Statement 

Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024

Register of Interests

Please click below for more information about the role of Parent Governors. 