Please use the link below to check if your child is eligible for free school meals - Pupil Premium funding
You do not need to create an account to do so, just follow the instructions. Click "Check Eligibility". You will be taken to the next page. Click "Proceed" to begin your check. Families without Internet access are able to use Council facilities such as libraries with free wifi to check their child's eligibility.
If you have any issues, please contact us as we can check in school for you.
The Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low income and other disadvantaged families and their peers. Schools have discretion to choose how to spend this funding in order to support raising the attainment of these more vulnerable pupils. The pupil premium was first granted in April 2011 according to the number of children in a school who were taking Free School Meals.
Funding is now allocated according to the number of children in a school who have been registered for Free School Meals at any time in the preceding 6 years. Funding is also provided for Looked After Children and Forces children at a lower rate.
As from September 2014, the DfE calls this group of children ‘Disadvantaged’ and any child not in this category comes under ‘Other’.
Please see the documents below to see how much Dr Triplett’s has been allocated, how we have used it and the impact on standards.
Our Governor for Disadvantaged Children is Mrs Helen Dimmock.
If you would like any more information, please contact Mrs Pauline Byles, Associate Headteacher or Mrs Dimmock through the school office.
Other Documents: