
Dr Triplett's CE Primary School

“Love, Compassion, Respect”

Reading at Dr Triplett's CE Primary School

Our main phonics teaching is from a scheme called Read, Write, Inc. which was introduced from EYFS in September 2018. We use the Oxford Reading Tree reading scheme, but supplement this with a range of other books and reading material.


Reading at school is taught in Phonics and English lessons, but is embedded in all our teaching, whatever the subject.


Any reading at home will help your child become a reader for life. This includes magazines, information, instructions, recipes and even cereal packets. Seeing you read will show the importance of reading too. We want to encourage and develop children to love reading for a lifetime!

Reading Tips for Parents

Introducing a book

Suggestions for a conversation that could be had with a child before they begin reading a book.

Inference questions

Ways to ask inferential questions to deepen your child's understanding of what they have read.

Unknown words

Ways to help your child understand words that are unknown to them.
